Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 02.00pm
Saturday, Sunday: Close
Phone: +44 (0) 207 689 7888
Inspire the next generation of 3 to 19 year old students across the world with content on any topic that you are passionate about teaching live or in a recorded video course. Our median teacher earns over $60 per hour. Students can follow our template to record a course and earn as well. Transform the learning journey of early and young learners into an exciting adventure, where curiosity and exploration thrive.
Teach with us in 4 simple steps Step 1: Fill out the application form Step 2: Send us a demo video and police report Step 3: Verify ID with us Step 4: Upload Course and Start teaching
We don’t split revenue with teachers. What you earn is yours to keep — all of it! Hosting is free with us until you have a course registration. We charge $24.95 per month per course. All sub-sections of a course that have student(s) registered are charged an additional $3.99 per month
For example- If you want to teach a class on Exotic pets on Friday afternoons only that will cost you $24.99, but if you decide to offer 2 different timing slots for more students on Mondays and Wednesdays as well, that will cost an additional $3.99 x 2 ($7.98 per month) for a combined total of $32.93 per month.
Please note- The $3.99 fee for subsections only applies to a subsection of the same course. If your initial class is offered 3 times a week and it is not subsection (as in the same students attend all 3 classes every week) then only the course fee applies not the course fee plus subsection fee
Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 02.00pm
Saturday, Sunday: Close
Phone: +1 (905) 229-3647
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