Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 02.00pm
Saturday, Sunday: Close
Phone: +44 (0) 207 689 7888
US Grade 4
–New students are welcome at any point in the year!–
This is a full-year, full-curriculum homeschool course that will cover everything needed to master 4th grade. We will meet for 45 minutes Monday – Thursday for live classes. Each week I will post a Week Work packet and a Graded Project. The Week Work packet is a packet of independent work for your learner to complete at their own pace, while the Graded Project is a choice board of options for your learner to complete to turn in for a grade.
Our live classes are very interactive. Students will get more out of the class by being involved. We will participate in discussions and games to make sure everyone is engaged and having fun!
I tend to follow the “I do, we do, you do” teaching style to teach most lessons. I will always model how to go about a problem or analyze text, then give students the opportunity to try things on their own. I will check for mastery from all students and support those who I see may need more help.
Each week will follow this schedule:
Monday: Math
Tuesday: Reading
Wednesday: Writing and Grammar
Thursday: Science, U.S History, Economics, Civics, or Geography
For math, we will cover all of the Common Core math standards, which are national U.S. math standards that most U.S. states have adopted.
For english language arts, we will also cover the Common Core ELA standards.
For science, we will cover all the Next Generation Science Standards, which are national U.S. science standards most U.S. states have adopted.
For U.S. history, economics, civics, and geography, we will cover the social studies standards from the Georgia Department of Education. Geography will be expanded to cover all of North America instead of just the United States.
I have also added in a few review lessons of previous standards to help students who may have learning gaps.
Our schedule of units for the 2024-2025 year will be as follows:
Week of August 26:
Monday: Place Value & Compare Multi-Digit Numbers (CCSS.NBT.A.1, NBT.A.2)
Tuesday: Refer to the Text (CCSS.RL.4.1, CCSS.RI.4.1)
Wednesday: Personal Narratives (CCSS.W.4.3), Correct Capitalization (CCSS.L.4.2.A)
Thursday: Energy (4-PS3)
Week of September 2:
Monday: Rounding (CCSS.NBT.A.3)
Tuesday: Inference (CCSS.RL.4.1, CCSS.RI.4.1)
Wednesday: Personal Narratives (CCSS.W.4.3), Commas and Quotations (CCSS.L.4.2.B)
Thursday: Energy (4-PS3)
Week of September 9:
Monday: Add and Subtract Multi-Digit Numbers (CCSS.NBT.B.4)
Tuesday: Theme (CCSS.RL.4.2)
Wednesday: Personal Narratives (CCSS.W.4.3), Commas and Quotations (CCSS.L.4.2.B)
Thursday: Energy (4-PS3)
Week of September 16:
Monday: Fact Families & Multiplication/Division Word Problems (CCSS.OA.A.1, OA.A.2)
Tuesday: Summarize (CCSS.RL.4.2, CCSS.RI.4.2)
Wednesday: Personal Narratives (CCSS.W.4.3), Coordinating Conjunctions (CCSS.L.4.2.C)
Thursday: Engineering Design (3-5-ETS1)
Week of September 23:
Week of September 30:
Monday: Multistep word problems (CCSS.OA.A.3)
Tuesday: Main Idea and Key Details (CCSS.RI.4.2)
Wednesday: Personal Narratives (CCSS.W.4.3), Word Choice (CCSS.L.4.3.A)
Thursday: American Revolution (SS4H1, SS4H2, SS4G2)
Week of October 7:
Monday: Equations with an Unknown Quantity (CCSS.OA.A.3)
Tuesday: Cause and Effect Texts (CCSS.RI.4.3, CCSS.RI.4.5)
Wednesday: Personal Narratives (CCSS.W.4.3), Punctuation for Effect (CCSS.L.4.3.B)
Thursday: American Revolution (SS4H1, SS4H2, SS4G2)
Week of October 14:
Monday: Factors and Multiples (CCSS.OA.B.4)
Tuesday: Sequence Texts (CCSS.RI.4.3, CCSS.RI.4.5)
Wednesday: Informative Writing (CCSS.W.4.2), Formal vs Informal (CCSS.L.4.3.C)
Thursday: American Revolution (SS4H1, SS4H2, SS4G2)
Week of October 21:
Monday: Generate Patterns and Sequence (CCSS.OA.C.5)
Tuesday: Chronology (CCSS.RI.4.5)
Wednesday: Informative Writing (CCSS.W.4.2), Formal vs Informal (CCSS.L.4.3.C)
Thursday: Declaration of Independence and the Preamble (SS4CG1, SS4CG2)
Week of October 28:
Monday: 4-Digit Multiplication (CCSS.NBT.B.5)
Tuesday: Comparison Texts (CCSS.RI.4.5)
Wednesday: Informative Writing (CCSS.W.4.2), Relative Pronouns (CCSS.L.4.1.A)
Thursday: Waves (4-PS4)
Week of November 4:
Monday: Multiplying 2-Digit by 2-Digit (CCSS.NBT.B.5)
Tuesday: Problem/Solution Texts (CCSS.RI.4.5)
Wednesday: Informative Writing (CCSS.W.4.2), Relative Adverbs (CCSS.L.4.1.A)
Thursday: Waves (4-PS4)
Week of November 11:
Monday: 4-Digit Division (CCSS.NBT.B.6)
Tuesday: Characters and Setting in Depth (CCSS.RL.4.3)
Wednesday: Informative Writing (CCSS.W.4.2), Progressive Verb Tense (CCSS.L.4.1.B)
Thursday: Animal Structures (4-LS1)
Week of November 18:
Monday: Angles & Protractors (CCSS.MD.C.5, MD.C.6)
Tuesday: Events in Depth (CCSS.RL.4.3)
Wednesday: Informative Writing (CCSS.W.4.2), Progressive Verb Tense (CCSS.L.4.1.B)
Thursday: Animal Structures (4-LS1)
Week of November 25:
Thanksgiving Break
Week of December 2:
Monday: Drawing Angles and 2D Figures & Classify 2D Shapes (CCSS.MD.G.A.1, MD.G.A.2)
Tuesday: Fluency (CCSS.RF.4.4)
Wednesday: Quick Write (CCSS.W.4.10), Review of Word Choice (CCSS.L.4.3.A)
Thursday: Map and Globe Skills
Week of December 9:
Monday: Addition and Subtraction of Angles (CCSS.MD.C.7)
Tuesday: Fluency (CCSS.RF.4.4)
Wednesday: Quick Write (CCSS.W.4.10), Review of Punctuation for Effect (CCSS.L.4.3.B)
Thursday: Map and Globe Skills
Week of December 16:
Monday: Symmetry (CCSS.MD.G.A.3)
Tuesday: Semester Review
Wednesday: Quick Write (CCSS.W.4.10), Editing
Thursday: Engineering Design (3-5-ETS1)
Week of December 23:
Winter Break
Week of December 30:
Winter Break
Week of January 6:
Monday: Intro to fractions
Tuesday: Firsthand Accounts (CCSS.RI.4.6)
Wednesday: Opinion Writing (CCSS.W.4.1), Modal Auxiliaries (CCSS.L.4.1.C)
Thursday: Structure of Government and Bill of Rights(SS4CG1, SS4CG3)
Week of January 13:
Monday: Equivalent Fractions & Common Denominators (CCSS.NF.A.1, NF.A.2)
Tuesday: Secondhand Accounts (CCSS.RI.4.6)
Wednesday: Opinion Writing (CCSS.W.4.1), Modal Auxiliaries (CCSS.L.4.1.C)
Thursday: Structure of Government and Bill of Rights(SS4CG1, SS4CG3)
Week of January 20:
Monday: Compare Fractions and Wholes (CCSS.NF.A.2)
Tuesday: Poems, Drama, and Prose (CCSS.RL.4.5)
Wednesday: Opinion Writing (CCSS.W.4.1), Adjective Order (CCSS.L.4.1.D)
Thursday: Physical Features of North America (SS4G1)
Week of January 27:
Monday: Adding and Subtraction Fractions (CCSS.NF.B.3A)
Tuesday: Poems, Drama, and Prose (CCSS.RL.4.5)
Wednesday: Opinion Writing (CCSS.W.4.1), Adjective Order (CCSS.L.4.1.D)
Thursday: Physical Features of North America (SS4G1)
Week of February 3:
Monday: Decompose Fractions (CCSS.NF.B.3B)
Tuesday: Connection between Texts and Visuals (CCSS.RL.4.7)
Wednesday: Opinion Writing (CCSS.W.4.1), Prepositional Phrase (CCSS.L.4.1.E)
Thursday: Susan B Anthony (SS4H4)
Week of February 10:
Monday: Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers & Fraction Word Problems (CCSS.NF.B.3C, CCSS.NF.B.3D)
Tuesday: Visual, Oral, and Quantitative Information (CCSS.RI.47)
Wednesday: Opinion Writing (CCSS.W.4.1), Complete Sentences (CCSS.L.4.1.F)
Thursday: Elizabeth Cady Stanton (SS4H4)
Week of February 17:
Monday: Multiply Fractions by a Whole (CCSS.NF.B.4B)
Tuesday: Visual, Oral, and Quantitative Information (CCSS.RI.4.7)
Wednesday: Fictional Narrative (CCSS.W.4.3), Common Confused Words (CCSS.L.4.1.G)
Thursday: Sojourner Truth (SS4H4)
Week of February 24:
Monday: Adding Fractions of n/10 and m/100 (CCSS.NF.C.5)
Tuesday: Reasons and Evidence (CCSS.RI.4.8)
Wednesday: Fictional Narrative (CCSS.W.4.3), Context Clues (CCSS.L.4.4.A)
Thursday: Frederick Douglass (SS4H4)
Week of March 3:
Monday: Fractions to Decimals & Comparing Decimals (CCSS.NF.C.6, CCSS.NF.C.7)
Tuesday: Myths and Traditional Texts (CCSS.RL.4.9, CCSS.RL.4.7)
Wednesday: Fictional Narrative (CCSS.W.4.3), Context Clues (CCSS.L.4.4.A)
Thursday: Weathering and Erosion (4-ESS2)
Week of March 10:
Monday: Line Plots with Fractions (CCSS.MD.B.4)
Tuesday: Myths and Traditional Texts (CCSS.RL.4.9, CCSS.RL.4.7)
Wednesday: Fictional Narrative (CCSS.W.4.3), Affixes and Roots (CCSS.L.4.4.B)
Thursday: Change of Landscape over Time (4-ESS1)
Week of March 17:
Monday: Equivalent Measurements (CCSS.MD.A.1)
Tuesday: Myths and Traditional Texts (CCSS.RL.4.9, CCSS.RL.4.7)
Wednesday: Fictional Narrative (CCSS.W.4.3), Affixes and Roots (CCSS.L.4.4.B)
Thursday: Earth and Human Activity (4-ESS3)
Week of March 24:
Monday: Distance (CCSS.MD.A.2)
Tuesday: Myths and Traditional Texts (CCSS.RL.4.9, CCSS.RL.4.7)
Wednesday: Fictional Narrative (CCSS.W.4.3), Reference Materials (CCSS.L.4.4.C)
Thursday: Earth and Human Activity (4-ESS3)
Week of March 31:
Monday: Intervals of Time (CCSS.MD.A.2)
Tuesday: Two Texts on Same Topic (CCSS.RI.4.9)
Wednesday: Fictional Narrative (CCSS.W.4.3), Similes and Metaphors (CCSS.L.4.5.A)
Thursday: Opportunity Cost (SS4E1.a)
Week of April 7:
Week of April 14:
Monday: Volume and Mass (CCSS.MD.A.2)
Tuesday: Point of View (CCSS.RL.4.6)
Wednesday: Personal Narrative Review (CCSS.W.4.3), Idioms (CCSS.L.4.5.B)
Thursday: Behavior and Choices (SS4E1.b)
Week of April 21:
Monday: Money Word Problems (CCSS.MD.A.2)
Tuesday: Point of View (CCSS.RL.4.6)
Wednesday: Informative Writing Review (CCSS.W.4.2), Antonyms (CCSS.L.4.5.C)
Thursday: Voluntary Exchange and Trade (SS4E1.d, SS4E1.e)
Week of April 28:
Monday: Area and Perimeter in the Real World (CCSS.MD.A.3)
Tuesday: Fluency (CCSS.RF.4.4)
Wednesday: Opinion Writing Review (CCSS.W.4.1), Synonyms (CCSS.L.4.5.C)
Thursday: Specialization and Technological Advancements (SS4E1.c, SS4E1.f)
Week of May 5
Monday: Semester Review
Tuesday: Semester Review
Wednesday: Semester Review
Thursday: Economics Review
Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 02.00pm
Saturday, Sunday: Close
Phone: +1 (905) 229-3647
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